Sunday, October 6, 2013

Red Rocks, Golden, Colorado

I have lived in Colorado for 4 years and have never been to Red Rocks. I know, right!? I finally ventured out with my dog Miles and a friend.

My first impression was that it was a lot smaller than I thought it would be. I always pictured a vast, rolling, area of red rocks. That is not the case. The Red Rocks Park is only 640 acres which is 1 square mile. Now that that's out of the way: the place is very pretty and the amphitheater is impressive and holds almost 10,000 people.

There is a hiking trail that is under 2 miles that starts and ends at the gift shop/trading post. It is the only official trail unless you just wandering around. The trail was hard to follow with a lot of forks that were not marked about which direction to take. We took the wrong way a lot because it looked more intentional than the other path and we would end up at the road. Somehow we got turned around and went back the way we came. It was not just us; a few other couples were lost and asking where to go and at one point a group that was behind us were then in front of us. It was crowded with people exercising and that was only made harder by not being able to navigate clearly. There were also many people there getting professional photos taken so you feel pressure to avoid those areas even though there's just the one trail.

Because a lot of locals use it for everyday use, it's not the best tourist attraction.

The sights are pretty and it's worth a concert if you get a chance. I still haven't but Matt agrees.

You can see the website for Red Rocks here. It's free to get in and there's a lot of other things around it so it could be worth a visit. Just don't go in with high hopes like I did. 

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